Welcome to the Weekly Requirement section of Module One. This week, you will have three things that need to be completed in order to move to Module Two. Remember you can work at your own Pace, Place, and Path. Use the color code to help differentiate the learning to meet your individual needs. Please contact Marcia Kish at ANY Time if you have questions or don't understand the different task.
Middle School
High School
Administrators, Coaches, and Media Specialist
Middle School
High School
Administrators, Coaches, and Media Specialist
Module Required Items
Complete all three items
1. Join The Course
Make sure to join the online course! Work through the content at your own PACE. Once you complete one Module, the next Module will be opened for you. Also note that I will be checking the checklist.
- Click on the Module Checklist
- Make a Copy
- Share the Copy with [email protected]
- Add in your notes, reflections, and project links to the checklist
- Once all required items are completed, I will comment and share reflection thoughts to YOUR checklist
2. Visit a Classroom that is Implementing Blended Learning
Take a moment to visit a Blended Learning Classroom in action. Write down your thoughts and overview of the lesson in the Module Checklist.
- What did you see?
- What were the students doing in the classroom?
- What was the teacher doing in the classroom?
- Were there any virtual students?
- Were the students and the teacher engaged in the lesson?
3. Attend the Virtual Meeting on Wednesday at 9:00 pm EST
Make sure to check your email for the assigned virtual meeting dates with Marcia Kish. During the assigned dates, we will cover one Module, provide tips and tricks, and level up strategies for the blended learning classrooms.