Online Course Information
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Pay with a Purchase Order
The DSD Professional Development Company will accept a Purchase Order for the payment of the online course.
ONSITE Certification Course
We are looking for new schools, cohorts, or individuals that are wanting to take on the Certification Course. If you are interested in signing up, please contact Marcia Kish at [email protected]
The onsite certification course information
The onsite certification course information
- Participants will meet with Marcia for a total of 18 hours.
- There are a total of SIX Chapters that the participants will explore with Marcia
- Each chapter will have a total of six possible mini-lessons, independent studios that tie to the mini-lessons, digital content videos created by Marcia, Future Ready Activities, and whole-group activities that align with the chapter objectives.
- Onsite blended learning visits are a possibility with the course if area schools are implementing the Three Phases of the Blended Learning model.
- A total of 25-30 participants are needed for the onsite certification course.
- A minimum of THREE six-hour onsite workshops are required for the course. However, the course can be broken up into three-hour chunks if needed.
- Each participant will receive a Certification Workbook, resources, and hands-on activities during the onsite course.
- Price includes travel expenses, materials, and handouts
- Personalized coaching from Marcia
- We will send an invoice for the Onsite Course. Payment will need to be received before the start of the first onsite training.
- The locations will vary depending on the number of requests
- Dates for the course can either during the week or on Saturdays