Welcome to the Independent Studio section of Chapter Two. The Independent Studio will cover the key aspects of Phase One as well as showcasing checklist, choice boards, and tech tools for the blended learning classroom. Note that this week you can choose from five different blog post. Pick one blog post to read. After reading the blog post, make sure to complete the reflection guide on the group collaboration page. Remember you can work at your own Pace, Place, and Path. Use the color code to help differentiate the learning to meet your individual needs. Please contact Marcia Kish at ANY Time if you have questions or don't understand the different task.
Blog Post One: Checklist vs Choice Boards
What is a choice board? What is a checklist? So many times, while working with teachers, they will confuse a choice board with a checklist or vice versa. In this blog post, I will showcase the difference between the two documents and explain how both are used throughout the Three Phases of Blended Process.
Link to Blog Post
Reflection question: After reading the blog post, when would a teacher use a checklist? When would a teacher use a choice board? Provide a visual example of both a checklist and a choice board.
Link to Blog Post
Reflection question: After reading the blog post, when would a teacher use a checklist? When would a teacher use a choice board? Provide a visual example of both a checklist and a choice board.
Blog Post Two: Getting Started with Checklist -
The checklist is a crucial aspect of all Three Phases of Blended Learning. Even in Phase One, the teacher will provide a checklist to the students to use as they travel from one learning studio to the next. In this blog post, you will learn more about how to design a checklist, see samples of a checklist, and understand the critical aspects of the different learning studios.
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: Will you recommend to print the checklist, or will you encourage educators to post the checklist digitally? Why? Explain your reason on your checklist.
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: Will you recommend to print the checklist, or will you encourage educators to post the checklist digitally? Why? Explain your reason on your checklist.
Blog Post Three: 30 Tech Tools for the Classroom-
Integrating technology into the blended learning classroom helps to promote hight levels of student engagement. Technology can also be used to help manage the classroom as well as become a second teacher in the classroom (For example: Kahn Academy) In this blog post, I will showcase 30 tech tools that educators can use for classroom management, data collection, future ready skills, as well as promoting student ownership.
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: Out of the 30 Tech Tools, which one did you like the most? How will you use the technology tool in the classroom, as a coaching tool, or as part of your next professional development workshop?
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: Out of the 30 Tech Tools, which one did you like the most? How will you use the technology tool in the classroom, as a coaching tool, or as part of your next professional development workshop?
Blog Post Four: Tech Tools for the 6-12 Classroom
In this blog post, you will be able to download a copy of 14 technology tools to use within the 6-12 classroom. Some of the tech tools are free while other tech tools might have a paid version or what we like to call freemium. Take a moment to explore the different tech tools. Visit the websites. Think about how you might be able to use this tech tool within a 6-12 classroom setting.
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: What is your favorite tech tool to use in the middle or high school classroom?
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: What is your favorite tech tool to use in the middle or high school classroom?
Blog Post Five: Tech Tools for the k-5 Classroom
In this blog post, you will be able to download a copy of 14 technology tools to use within the K-5 classroom. Some of the tech tools are free while other tech tools might have a paid version or what we like to call freemium. Take a moment to explore the different tech tools. Visit the websites. Think about how you might be able to use this tech tool within a K-5 classroom setting.
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: What is your favorite tech tool to use in the elementary classroom?
Link to the Blog Post
Reflection Question: What is your favorite tech tool to use in the elementary classroom?