Welcome to the Future Ready Skill studio of Module Three. The Future Ready Skills will allow you to showcase what you have learned in the other learning studios on the key aspects of Phase Two. Note that this in this Module you must complete at least two Future Ready Activities. Remember you can work at your own Pace, Place, and Path. Use the color code to help differentiate the learning to meet your individual needs. Please contact Marcia Kish at ANY Time if you have questions or don't understand the different task.
Middle School
High School
Administrators, Coaches, and Media Specialist
Middle School
High School
Administrators, Coaches, and Media Specialist
Future REady STudio
Complete at Least ONE ACTIVITY
Activity One: Compare and Contrast Phase Two to Phase Three
For this activity, you will be comparing and contrasting Phase Two to Phase Three. You can use a Venn diagram or design your project to showcase the differences and similarities between the two phases. Make sure to include:
Activity Two: Goal Setting Form
Complete the goal setting form for the coaching or implementation of the Three Phases of Blended Learning.
Take a moment and think about goals for deploying the Three Phases of Blended Learning.
Click on this link to get a Google Doc Goal Form. Once you have completed to the form, send the form back to Marcia Kish along with your checklist. |
Send your completed goal form to Marcia via email. Make sure to label the email with Module Four Future Ready Activity Two
Activity Three: Phase Three checklist
Design a sample FIVE Phase Three checklist template in Google that can be shared with other educators in your building or district. Make sure to include: all four learning studios and a reflection piece to the checklist. Also, this is a Phase Three checklist therefore, the students need to take ownership in designing the checklist.
Once you have completed all of the aspects of Activity Three, send the sample checklist Marcia. Make sure to label the email title Module Four- Activity Three - Phase Three Checklist.
Once you have completed all of the aspects of Activity Three, send the sample checklist Marcia. Make sure to label the email title Module Four- Activity Three - Phase Three Checklist.