WEek 5: Technology Shouldn't be Just a Frill (6 hours)
Week 5 will focus in on the different technology tools and software that can be used in the blended learning classroom. Going one-to-one is not always the answer to the blended learning classroom. What tools are out there for the classrooms that are affordable and easily integrated into the classroom setting. This also includes making sure that their is wifi connectivity for schools that have mobile devices such as Chromebooks, iPads, and other devices.
- Mini Lesson with the teacher- app smashing, using technology to create, collaborate, develop critical thinking, and to communicate outside of the classroom walls.
- Discussion Questions
- Two questions on types of technology platforms that are being used in the classroom environments.
- Project- Participants will roll the virtual app dice and create a project using the tools that they rolled. They will collaborate, create, communicate, and use critical thinking skills with other participants in the course.
- Technology- Learning about how to use wonderopolis.com, learnzillion.com, teded.com, and khanacademy.com within the blended learning classrooms